At Home body cleanse can be done safely in the comfort of your home. It is recommended that you do at least one body cleanse a year. If you suffer from symptoms such as fatigue, bloating, irritability, insomnia, allergies, lack of concentration, foggy memory, unexplained weight gain, it may mean that your body is highly toxic and you will need to detoxify it to regain your health.
You can do an at home body cleanse in different ways. One option is to do the lemon detox where you drink lemon juice mixed with Grade A Maple Syrup and Cayenne Pepper for 10 days. It is a very effective detox although it may be difficult for some people to fast and only drink lemon juice for 10 days. However, once you pass the first 3 days during which you have to deal with being hungry, it becomes easier and you will start feeling more energetic with a great sense of well being by the 4th day. In order to be successful at it, I would suggest that you get and follow the instructions Click Here!.
If doing the lemon detox sounds too difficult for you, you can choose to eat lighter and healthier (mainly vegetables, fruits, some grain but no meat) and support the detoxification process with high quality supplements. In order to stay on the safe side, I'm recommending body cleansing supplements that have been developped by a doctor with 20 years experience in natural healing.
A whole body cleanse would not be complete without detoxifying your colon and your liver. These are the two most important organs to cleanse because they play key roles in the natural cleansing of of our body, and with all the toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis, they can become overloaded and toxic, and lead to various ailments such as fatigue, foggy memory, lack of concentration, allergies, rashes, unexplained weight gain.
There are basically 3 products that I recommend because of their high quality, potency and safety. They are 1) Oxy-Powder, a colon cleanser, 2) Livatrex, a liver detox product, and 3) Latero-Flora, a product that helps guard the body against unfriendly bacteria by populating the intestines with beneficial bacteria.
You can get these products seperately, but that would not be cost effective. The best thing to do is to get the Body Cleanse Starter Kit which includes 1 bottle of OxyPowder, 1 bottle of Livatrex, 1 bottle of Latero-Flora as well as one 7-day Oxygen colon cleanse and one liver and gallbladder cleanse. With this kit, it will take you only 12 days to complete all the cleanses and the only dietary change is that you don't eat meat during the 12 days.